SMS-Watergrace Mediwaste Mgt. Pvt. Ltd. (Lucknow)

A joint venture company of SMS Infrastructure Ltd. & SMS-Watergrace Mediwaste Mgt. Pvt. Ltd. Established in 2012. The company is responsible for the collection storage treatment & disposal of bio-medical waste generated in the city of Lucknow.The technologies used to disinfect and dispose biomedical waste are Incineration, Autoclaving, chemical disinfection & shredding.
Watergrace Product BMW Pvt. Ltd. (Nasik)

A joint venture company of SMS Infrastructure Ltd. & Watergrace Product BMW Pvt. Ltd. Established in 2001. The company is responsible for the collection storage treatment & disposal of bio-medical waste generated in the city of Nasik. Facility has 3TPD capacity for Biomedical waste treatment. Total customers are more than 1750.

Watergrace Product BMW Pvt. Ltd. (Aurangabad)

A joint venture company of SMS Infrastructure Ltd. & Watergrace Product BMW Pvt. Ltd. Established in 2001. The company is responsible for the collection storage treatment & disposal of bio-medical waste generated in the city of Aurangabad. Facility has 2 TPD capacity for biomedical waste treatment. Total customers are more than 1450.
SMS-Watergrace Enviro Protect Pvt. Ltd. (Raipur)

This is our latest and ready to operate facility and a joint venture company of SMS Infrastructure Ltd. & Watergrace Enviro Protect Pvt. Ltd established in 2016.State of art facility with Incinerator, autoclave, Shredding and Chemical disinfection facilities.

Bio-waste Mgt (Uganda) Ltd.

This is our first biomedical waste management facility operating in Uganda. Facility was established in 2013 and having 2TPD treatment capacity.

- To collect & receive the Biomedical Waste from Health Care Facilities (HCF) as per Biomedical waste rules 2016.
- To ensure proper storage of the wastes as per their classification, characterization and compatibility.
- To analyze and decide the treatment and disposal scheme of wastes as per the guidelines of MOEF, CPCB & MPCB.
- To optimize the treatment and disposal cost by management practices and provide the very economical services to the hospitals.
- To register all the health care facilities as the member of the CBWTSDF.
- To educate and train and make the individual health care facilities aware of storing the wastes in scientific manner and comply with the applicable regulations.
- To conduct the public awareness program.