Construction, Erection, Commissioning of CETP on BOOT & Operation and Maintenance

In Maharashtra industries located in cluster and it was economically not viable for industries to treat effluent to meet statutory norms. Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation awarded CETP on BOOT & Operation and Maintenance at different sites to SMS Limited.


  • Wastewater of individual industries often contains significant concentration of pollutants and to reduce them by individual treatment up to the desired concentration, become techno-economically difficult. The combined treatment provides a better and economical option because of the equalization taking place in the CETP.
  • Other benefits of common treatment include scarcity of land at the industry's level and a comparatively easier availability of professional and trained staff for the operation of CETP, which can otherwise be difficult, at the individual industry level.
  • Cost of Laboratory analysis & plant operation is less at common facility than the cost expenditure of individual units together Better occupational health and safety at individual industry level.

We have State of Art CETP’s at four locations in Maharashtra.

Following are the locations of Common Effluent Treatment Plants

Butibori CETP Pvt. Ltd.

Kagal CETP Pvt. Ltd.

SMS Waluj CETP Pvt. Ltd.

Amravati CETP Pvt. Ltd