Common Hazardous Waste Transportation, Storage and Disposal Facility

Hazardous Waste generally exhibits characteristics as ignitable (i.e. flammable), oxidant, corrosive, toxic, radioactive , explosive has the potential to pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off. Hence proper Disposal of Hazardous Waste is necessary for this type of waste.
The company has developed two state of the art Common Hazardous Waste Transportation, storage and disposal facilities (CHWTSDF) at Ranjangaon near Pune & Butibori near Nagpur.5>

Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd. Ranjangaon, Pune.
Maharashtra Enviro Power Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle promoted by SMS Infrastructures Ltd. registered under companies' act 1956 with a target to BUILD, OWN, OPERATE & TRANSFER, a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (CHWTSDF) at Ranjangaon, Pune.
Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd. Mandwa, Nagpur
Maharashtra Enviro Power Limited is a Group Company promoted by SMS Infrastructures Ltd. registered under Companies Act 1956, with a target to BUILD, OWN, And OPERATE & TRANSFER (BOOT), a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (CHWTSDF) at Mandwa, Nagpur.

Demand of the Project

The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 and amendments thereafter bar the industries from dumping their solid wastes indiscriminately. At the same time they permit the industries to dispose off their wastes in safe & secured manner. It has been made mandatory by the government to dispose off Hazardous waste in systematic and scientific disposal way and pollution control boards have been asked to ensure it. For systematic & scientific disposal of solid wastes, a facility can be constructed where care is to be taken to avoid any negative effects on the environment.
Benefits and Advantages of project

- The proposed CHWTSDF facilitate better management of the industrial wastes.
- It is the showcase for other states for management of hazardous waste with additional benefit of green and clean Environment.
- It minimizes the pollution load on environment from industrial hazardous waste.
- It generates green and clean power by recovering waste heat from PGVR.
- Compliance with prescribed regulatory norms which in turn avert the risk of closure on account of violation of rules
- It reduces the number of hazardous waste sites in the area and also eliminates the pollution potential
- Possibility for recovery of material can be researched at common site.
- The management of wastes is relatively easier & economically viable at common facility.
- Cost of environmental monitoring is less at common facility
- In absence of expertise or availability of less expertise this route is confirmed to be most viable and workable
- Reduced environmental liability due to captive storage of hazardous waste in the premises of industries
- Better occupational health and safety at individual industry level
- Prevention of natural resource contamination thereby improving overall environmental status of the region
- Competitive advantage in international markets vis-à-vis grading of the products on environmental consideration.