Integrated Environment Services & India’s Finest Waste Management Company

SMS Envocare is the group company promoted by SMS Ltd. In a short span of time the company has emerged as one of the major Environmental Infrastructure development and Renewable Energy Company. SMS Envocare was established in 2003 and involved in CETP, CHWTSDF & CBWTF operations.
The company believes in adopting the best eco-friendly technology available world over for the scientific disposal of wastes. Hence in 2005-06 the company signed an agreement with Westinghouse Corporation US (Now Alter NRG Corporation Canada) for destruction of Incinerable Hazardous Waste by Plasma Gasification vitrification Technology. This state-of-art Technology is being used at the two CHWTSDF Sites of the company.
Looking at the need of an hour SMS Envocare has started various other Environmental Services that will help the Entrepreneurs in making this globe clean, Green & Ecofriendly.
Major Environmental projects of the company

Two state of the art Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facilities (CHWTSDF's)

Ranjangaon near Pune

Butibori near Nagpur.
Other Projects

Four Common Effluent Treatment Plants at

Butibori, near Nagpur

Kagal near Kolhapur

Waluj near Aurangabad

Amravati near Nagpur.
Seven Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities at