Dr. V.A. Mhaisalkar retired Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur. Post retirement, he continued as “Emeritus Fellow” at the Institute till 31st December 2020.
He obtained his B.E (Civil Engg.) in 1974 and M.Tech (Env.Engg.) in 1976 from the then Visvesvaraya Regional College of Engineering (VRCE), Nagpur and Ph.D. (Env,. Engg.) in 1987 from Nagpur University. He has also rendered advisory consultancy services in the area of environmental engineering to various user agencies. He was Member of the Research Council of CSIR- NEERI during 2013-17.
During the span of his career, he has served as Member of various committees constituted by the State and Central Government. He served as Chairman, Committee to Monitor Compliances by Industries in Ghuggus by the National Green Tribunal, Pune during 2014-16.
He also worked as Scientist in various capacities during the period 1976 to 1991 at the CSIR – National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur and significantly contributed to R & D, through participation in projects of national and international importance in the area of water and wastewater engineering, environmental systems design & optimisation and environmental impact assessment.
He is recipient of various International Fellowhips under which he visited Kenya, Sudan, UK , USA and Russia. He is Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), Fellow of Institution of Public Health Engineers (IPHE), India and Fellow of Indian Water Works Association (IWWA). He was Chairman, IWWA, Nagpur Centre during 2018-20.
He is recipient of prestigious “Jal Nirmalata Purskar” for the 2007-2008 which was bestowed upon him on 8th January 2009 at the 41st Annual Convention in Hyderabad by the Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) for his exemplary contribution in the field of water specifically in improving the quality. He is also receipient of the “Eminent Environmental Engineer “ award from Institution of Engineers( India), in January 2012 in recognition to eminence and contribution to the profession of environmental engineering.