The project was awarded to SMS Infrastructure Ltd. in May 2012 which consist of Construction of ETP at Nada, Additional Handling Facilities along with laying of associated pipelines in Area- IV at Ankaleshwar asset (ETP - Nada & AF)” in the state of Gujarat (India) with 7 years operation and maintenance, the ETP being located at Nada, Gujrat.
The project includes installation of Produced water based 3000 m³ Per day Effluent treatment Plant , GRE pipe line of 67 Km to connect 5 Group Gathering Stations(GGS) including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Process and Instrumentation works which includes, Procurement and supply of equipments, Fabrication & erection, Hook-up, Testing, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning of ETP and Power Generation system at Nada, (GAS GENERATOR). The total value of project is 144 Crores. Currently the project is about 70 % completed.
The project is required to treat effluent water generated from ONGC wells with oil. The ETP will treat the generated effluent water from GGS and the treated water to be disposed off technically so that the natural soil (where the treated water dispose) characteristics will not be changed and also the treated water will be injected into the earth to improve crude oil level. This will help us to maintain surrounding environment clean.
In this project we are using Glass Reinforced Epoxy pipe line for transmission of Effluent water, which is used for the first time in India. Life of GRE pipe is far better than conventional CS/MS pipe line with a minimum life span is 30 years; also GRE is corrosion free pipe line. The handling & jointing procedure is simple and no electrical power is required. Treatment facility is equipped with latest technology having CPI, IGF, NSF and Ultra filters.